
Available for GoldStar Pro Accounts



Locations is the sixth tab in the Vehicle Information slide up, and houses Goldstar's revolutionary Location Genie.

The Location Genie analyzes the collected data for a vehicle, and generates a chart showing the most probable vehicle location at any given day and time.

Using the Location Genie

Click the Locations tab.

The Filter button at the top right can be used to specify a Date Range and Day of Week.

*Note: By default, analyzed data will be from the **Last 90 Days** and from all days of the week.*

The graph shows what times of day the vehicle has been at each listed location.

The chart shows the locations the vehicle has visited, the percentage of time spent there and the number of events generated while at that location.

Clicking the Details button next to a location will map it and show detailed information about events generated by the vehicle while at that location.